roses lilies and whiteflowers

roses lilies and whiteflowers

From 65,00 Euro ...

Bouquet of White Roses, Lilies and mixed flowers: the right gift for special occasions such as birth and marriage

Product available to be delivered to San_Bartolome_de_Tirajana. You can buy it on or efloristapp.


16 April 2017

Beautiful roses lilies and whiteflowers delivered directly to domicile in San_Bartolome_de_Tirajana as required. I am very happy with the work of your florist San_Bartolome_de_Tirajana and will not fail to make you public. Thank you so much!


04 April 2017

Very nice flowers delivery service to San_Bartolome_de_Tirajana! Both for the quality of the flowers and for the timely delivery. Thank you


29 March 2017

Hi, I was very happy with the product "roses lilies and whiteflowers", looked after in detail, is exactly what I expected. Flowers have arrived quite well in San_Bartolome_de_Tirajana! I'm sure I will make others purchase soon.


20 March 2017

Thank you very much for helping me, you have solved my problem with professionalism. I have found your flowers delivery service to San_Bartolome_de_Tirajana efficient, accurate and punctual. I will not fail to make you public.

Anna Maria

20 March 2017

Amazing flowers delivery service to San_Bartolome_de_Tirajana, just some problems with my credid card solved by phone by a your agent. Professional service and well executed. Thank you!

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