pink and violet funeral arrangement

pink and violet funeral arrangement

From 90,00 Euro ...

Funeral arrangement of pink roses and gerberas: the ideal gift to be close your family for the sad loss. Even in a painful moment, the message of the flowers will help you to express affection, closeness and participation. Rely on our professional florists to express your sympathy and your condolences, flowers will be prepared with the utmost care and delivered with the most high discretion.

Product available to be delivered to Saragozza. You can buy it on or efloristapp.


16 April 2017

Beautiful pink and violet funeral arrangement delivered directly to domicile in Saragozza as required. I am very happy with the work of your florist Saragozza and will not fail to make you public. Thank you so much!


04 April 2017

Very nice flowers delivery service to Saragozza! Both for the quality of the flowers and for the timely delivery. Thank you


29 March 2017

Hi, I was very happy with the product "pink and violet funeral arrangement", looked after in detail, is exactly what I expected. Flowers have arrived quite well in Saragozza! I'm sure I will make others purchase soon.


20 March 2017

Thank you very much for helping me, you have solved my problem with professionalism. I have found your flowers delivery service to Saragozza efficient, accurate and punctual. I will not fail to make you public.

Anna Maria

20 March 2017

Amazing flowers delivery service to Saragozza, just some problems with my credid card solved by phone by a your agent. Professional service and well executed. Thank you!

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